My Total Course Time – Effleurage (EF-loo-rahzh) is a soft, continuous stroking movement applied with the fingers (digital) and palms (palmar) in a slow and rhythmic manner. The gliding movement is soothing and relaxing. The fingers are used on smaller surfaces such …
My Total Course Time – There is one essential nutrient no person can live without, and that is water Drinking pure water is indispensable to keeping the body healthy: It sustains cell health, aids in elimination of toxins and waste, …
My Total Course Time – Vitamins play an important role in the body’s health, aiding in healing; fighting disease; and maintaining the skin, hair, and nails. There are 13 essential vitamins: A, C, D, E, K, and eight B-complex vitamins. …
My Total Course Time – There are six classes of nutrients that the body needs: Carbohydrates (kahr-boh-HY-draytz) – needed for energy to run every function within the body. Vitamins (VY-tuh-minz) – required for many body functions to occur, including normal metabolism. Fats (FATS) – needed for …